Low 5G uptake in Europe will stagger AI development, Commission official warns
Persistent low uptake of 5G deployment in Europe mean other technologies dependent on fast internet such as artificial intelligence will face delays in uptake, according to a European Commission official. In its State of Digital Communications report published yesterday, telecom lobby group ETNO also warned that significant additional investment in roll-out is still needed before EU targets to reach full 5G and full gigabit coverage by the end of this decade are achieved. In 2023, 5G in Europe reached 80% of the population, up from 73% the previous year, whereas the level is 98% in South Korea and the US and 94% in Japan. The report confirms that at the end of the decade, around 40 million people in the EU will still have no access to a fixed gigabit connection.
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Low 5G uptake in Europe will stagger AI development, Commission official warns
Persistent low uptake of 5G deployment in Europe mean other technologies dependent on fast internet such as artificial intelligence will face delays in uptake, according to a European Commission official. In its State of Digital Communications report published yesterday, telecom lobby group ETNO also warned that significant additional investment in roll-out is still needed before EU targets to reach full 5G and full gigabit coverage by the end of this decade are achieved. In 2023, 5G in Europe reached 80% of the population, up from 73% the previous year, whereas the level is 98% in South Korea and the US and 94% in Japan. The report confirms that at the end of the decade, around 40 million people in the EU will still have no access to a fixed gigabit connection.
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